
Travel through graphics card history in Colorful's new GPU museum | PC Gamer - morrisonaceas1994

Travel through nontextual matter card history in Colorful's new GPU museum

Colorful GPU museum featuring GPUs through the years
(Simulacrum credit: Colorful)

If you've ever wanted to go back to the early days of graphics cards, when chips were plentiful and boxes plastered in half-baked 3D models, now you can. Graphics card manufacturer Colorful has wide its very own artwork card museum, which utterly encapsulates how far GPU tech has come in such a suddenly amount of time.

Graphics cards found their footing in the '80s, but it wasn't until the '90s that things really took off. Colorful's new nontextual matter card museum covers the lot: from IBM graphics adapters, the progenitor of Bodoni font GPUs and built by engineers such as Mark Dean; to Nvidia's GeForce 256, the first of a long line directing to today's monstrosity cards.

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Colorful's GPU museum display with graphics cards from 2000 to 2021

(Image credit: Polychromatic)

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Colorful GPU museum featuring GPUs through the years

(Image credit entry: Colorful)

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Colorful's GPU museum display with graphics cards from 2000 to 2021

(Image credit: Multi-coloured)

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Colorful's GPU museum display with graphics cards from 2000 to 2021

(Image credit: Colorful)

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Colorful's GPU museum display with graphics cards from 2000 to 2021

(Image accredit: Colorful)

The museum also covers Colorful's ain launch into the GPU market back in 1999 with its Voodoo 2, and contains relics such as ATI's Craze Fury MAXX, a carte that would eventually lead to heaps of three-fold-GPU ATI/AMD Radeon graphics cards. You can even spot a couple of stylish rarities, such as the Radeon Seven, which has now found a irregular life as an all-brawny excavation machine.

The museum is opened in partnership with Nvidia, likewise, so on that point are plenty of the chipset maker's earliest card game fabrication some.

I'd imagine most on our list of the about important graphics cards in history can buoy personify launch in those holy halls.

The museum wish be opened to the public soon, although you'll accept to find your way to Shenzhen, China ready to visit.

Jacob Ridley

Jacob attained his first byline writing for his own tech blog from his hometown in Wales in 2017. From on that point, he calibrated to professionally breaking things at PCGamesN, where helium would later win command of the kit cupboard as hardware editor. Nowadays, as senior hardware editor in chief at PC Gamer, helium spends his days coverage on the latest developments in the engineering science and play industry. When he's not writing about GPUs and CPUs, you'll find him trying to get As far away from the contemporary world as possible by wild camping.


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